DRS 2014 – Design's Big Debates was a conference aimed to engage in discussions and debates on the future directions of design and design research. The conference branding was based around the concept of networked connections.

We created an interactive screen, making the conference branding come to 'live' highlighting more networked connections as the space filled with more conversation.

The interactive screen in the background more active as more networking takes place.

As the conference took place across the Umeå arts campus in different buildings, a comprehensive signage system was put in place, connecting the dots.

Each building had it's own colour coding, the wayfinding was based around a comprehensive breadcrumb structure, mimicking the website and conference companion.

The conference companion featured excerpts of all the talks and very comprehensive colour coding and wayfinding tools to get visitors to the right place.

Conference companion colour coded schedule.

Conference companion colour coded map.

Conference companion colour coded abstract.

Big banner with network branding.

Schedule overview in foyer. Visitors where given goodie bags with network branding, each with a unique (hand-stitched) network.