Your own “canary” that will measure levels of acceptability of your living conditions – depending on personalised criteria.
The canary in the coalmine is the personal assessor of your quality of life. The canary is an artificial intelligence which has learned your individual quality of life standards. The canary knows which circumstances of life will be acceptable for you and for how long, and which ones will not be. The canary is your companion and protector, it will safeguard your life quality. The canary can learn and adapt, you have a continual dialogue with your canary. If the conditions of your existence become unbearable, the canary will supply you with a personalised measure of lethal medication. There are safeguards in place, this medication can only be available and administered to you alone. The canary takes away the burden for the physician by having having to end your life, but the canary will only end a life responsible, in full autonomy of you, its legitimate owner.
Unique case in de Volkskrant 6 January, 2017: http://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/en-opeens-was-het-moment-voorbij~a4444440/?hash=b0959e9456382b53c6af6dc32aa8451a03b5b962
A man was euthanised while severely demented. His suffering was deemed unbearable. This is a very rare case, as euthanasia for severely demented patients is moral impossibility.
“The terrible truth with euthanasia in Dementia is that you need to do it too early.”
Bert Keizer, Levenseinde kliniek
It seems now that there may be a possibility, if you can prove the suffering to be unbearable.