First the easy stuff - you'll get the equipment you need to shoot, film and edit the best riders in the UK, plus the freshest Nike 6.0 shoes as soon as they hit our shores. You'll get to go on trips to the best contests in the UK, do some European trips with the team, and be invited on the Nike 6.0 Ill weekends - basically team activities that could be in BMXing in Barcelona, Mt Biking in Rome, or Skating in London - or anything in between!
You will be working with the Nike 6.0 team, which includes pro Snowboarders, Skaters, BMXers, Mt Bikers and Surfers, and throughout the year, their schedule changes month to month. So while it's hard to say exactly where you'll be and what you'll be doing, you'll definitely need a passport, love to travel, and love documenting every day of your exciting year.
Add to this our collaboration with Adobe who are offering their Creative Suite 3 Master Collection, that includes the newest versions of Adobe Photoshop® CS3 Extended, Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional, Adobe After Effects® CS3 Professional, Adobe Illustrator® CS3 and a whole load more and you have what amounts to a dream come true for any budding media hound. So get involved.