CAVE studio

Initially F31 was commissioned by the Swedish Interactive Institute in Umeå to help design and produce a new interactive meeting room for the Sliperiet in Umeå. Much of the user studies, and ideation relating to the use of the room and objects with-in had already been done before we were brought on board. After completing the floor through F31, I was then hired by SII as an interactive designer to help finalise it. The team behind the whole project was huge and the result was very much formed from this collaboration.

The floor and walls were pre-built at the F31 studios out in the wilderness, dismantled and then reassembled onsite, which then allowed all the lighting and wiring to be done onsite, the celling was made from aluminium panels, that reflected the triangular aesthetic.

cave-studio FloorChannels FloorChannels01WallFrames WallPannels