From 13 april to 02 july, SKATE* settles in Le Tri Postal in Lille. SKATE* is a complete and unique event about skateboard culture and its history. Graphic design, photography, video, architecture and music will be gathered together around skateboard, both a sport and a urban way of life. On the ground floor, on a surface area of 1500 square meters, The Side Effect of Urethane collective and DSP present 'Interstices'; this installation reflects a vision of public urban space, allowing for encounters between skateboarders and visitors. In this installation, the city is seen as a landscape. Large photographs of Fred Mortagne will be exhibited on the walls just like advertising billboards, which represents a graphic and dreamlike alternative to the omnipresent imagery in our public spaces. Real or improbable life situations are put into picture in a video installation resulting from the word of the collectives Digital Vandaland / Cliché Skateboard. This installation shows different ways of considering urban furniture and defines one’s place in public areas. A second video installation (the Rolling through the decades video lounge) is based on the deciphering of the skate culture’s codes (techniques, music, fashion...) and highlights the influence of this particular culture on other forms of artistic creation.Two exhibitions will be presented on Le Tri Postal’s first floor : Beautiful Losers is an exhibition of multi-media art and design that explores the recent work of a diverse group of visual artists that have emerged from the subcultures of skateboarding, graffiti, punk, and hip hop in U.S. urban centers. The core of the project involves painting, sculpture, and photography, as well as film, video, performance, and product design by more than thirty individuals who have emerged in the last decade--some now established figures in the art world, but many receiving their first broad exposure here. The exhibition also includes a concise overview of the work of a previous generation of artists who have had a direct influence on the aesthetic development of the artists in question; an environmental soundscape that traces the relationship between these subcultures and various genres of popular music; a selection of ephemeral materials (album covers, skateboard decks, toys, zines, etc.) produced in or related to this milieu; and a film and video program to be screened within the exhibition itself. Exposichienne celebrates the 20th birthday of the graphical fanzine « Sortez la Chienne ». La Chienneis on this occasion presented as an « exhibition – pictures fair », like a retrospective of the history of this graphzine, which has been featuring renowned artists (Pakito Bolino, Stéphane Blanquet, Rémi, Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, Pettitbon…).SKATE* - Le Tri Postal, avenue Willy Brandt, Lille (Tube : Gare Lille Flandres) 13 April 2006 – 02 july 2006 Opening hours : Wednesdays to Saturdays from 1 to 8 pm, and Sundays from 1 to 7 pm. Price : 5 euros (normal), 3 euros (reduced). Information : 0033 (0)3 20 14 47 60/info@exposkate.com More details avalaible in english : www.exposkate.com |