This piece was a giant skatable object that was interactive for both the general audience and the skate community. For the first time ever, skateboarding was allowed inside a museum! ‘Aalto’ truly illustrated to all, that skateboarding itself is a creative process. ‘Interstices’ was part of expoSKATE* in Lille - France, this explored the ideas of multi-functional spaces, public walkways and performance intersecting and joining. All projects ‘The Side Effects of Urethane’, ‘A Surface In Between’, ‘Moving Units’, ‘Aalto’, ‘Interstices’ and now ‘Units Moved’; explore the idea of Skateboarding as a kind of line drawing in urban space; exploring the paths traversed by skaters from point to point, surface to surface, the creation of complex patterns and gestures over the surface of the urban canvas. We re-appropreate / challenge the space, evoking users / viewers to evaluated how the archetecture which surrounds them should be used. Through the last 5 projects we have work with over 50 different artist / carpenters from all over the world, for more information on who showed in what, check the exhibitions section. |